hey friends, sorry i havent blogged in forever.
been busy with school and TRAVELING.
i'm in chicago right now.
no pictures, but when i get home, i will have pictures!!
thanks for holding up. :)
love, ashley.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
picture perfect memories and pens.

dad took me and mom out to dunkin donuts. oh yeah, and we also brought, Peyton. yeah, the DOG.
so we sat there and ate our food and peyton was just sitting there, in the car, watching us.
it was actually kinda sad.
but, oh well, he got through it. hahaha.
then we came home.
and i had to clean my room.
of course, i got distracted by the pictures and neat things i found so i pinned them up on my wall and there they are at the top picture.
i love it.
i have another wall full of pictures, too.
i also found a whole bunch of pens in my room.
so yeah.
that's my morning. :)
dunkin donuts,
lonely dogs,
Thursday, April 15, 2010
all smiles.
it was a FUN night. you know, the kind of night where you get done with everything, settle down, and then you look back and think..what a RUSH. it was definantly fun though. :)
So..me, ale', sam, and hope all went NIGHT SWIMMING.
it was just GREAT.
i loved it.
we took pictures with the underwater camera case that ale' had.
and lemme tell you.. it takes SKILL to look decent underwater.
skill which, i myself, has NOT conquered yet.
pretty tough stuff, if you ask me.
but anyways.. it was fun to just hang out and mess around and splash in the aqua colored pool that was lit up in some places.
a little CREEPY if you ask me though.
but hey isn't that the fun in it?
So..me, ale', sam, and hope all went NIGHT SWIMMING.
it was just GREAT.
i loved it.
we took pictures with the underwater camera case that ale' had.
and lemme tell you.. it takes SKILL to look decent underwater.
skill which, i myself, has NOT conquered yet.
pretty tough stuff, if you ask me.
but anyways.. it was fun to just hang out and mess around and splash in the aqua colored pool that was lit up in some places.
a little CREEPY if you ask me though.
but hey isn't that the fun in it?
the last song in the sunshine, baby.

i've been doing that alot lately, though. laying on my penguin towel :), reading the Last Song, with my buddy Peyton, and MUSIC.
So when i take my break from school i usually spend my time to go outside and do just that. It's actually really RELAXINGGG.
(if you're not sneezing and rubbing your eyes from the pollen, of course (: )
Sunday, April 11, 2010
i will not be conformed.
i like my weeks.

So this week i've been listening to alot of music. Pretty much music that my sister recommends. We like the same music. I love love love love it when i can turn up the music really loud and dance and not care about what people think (since theyre not even watching) I'm excited to go to my sister's houses to turn up the ipod, the speakers, and our dance skills (;
I just love times like that. You get a burst of energy like nothing ELSE.
Last saturday, my mom bought me a pair of converse. Bright blue and high tops. I love them because they really add to your outfit and make things POP. I even wore them while just sitting outside because i love them so much. But no, I'm not gonna lie, they are the HARDEST shoe to get your foot into, forreal.
Its hard to do school, sitting inside, while staring at a book while the sunshine is streaming into the windows and the living room and you see how bright it is..then you think about what you could be doing outside, then you think about what you can do in the summer, then you think about summer, then you think about getting your school done which apparently, you're not doing because you're daydreaming about the sunshine. So people, EASY WAY TO FIX THIS. Do school outside, laying on a towel, with your ipod (if you dont get too distracted), with a cute little buddy (preferably a dog), with your book open and your notebook and a pencil and sunglasses. There really are ways to make the season thats close to summer FEEL like summer, even with the school part! it's just great!
My bestfriend, Ale' spent the night on friday. We had an amazing weekend together, basically. Went to frontlines, talked about BESTFRIENDS and God being our bestfriend and how we can make him our bestfriend EVEN MORE by spending time with Him, then went home, ate a bunch of doritos, sour gummy words, watched some Disney channel, took pictures, listened to music, messed around, then went to bed. Next day we went to her house and did the COOLEST THING.
Took pictures under water, which will be in the next post.. but ANYWAY.
This was basically my week. It was also a good week because God got me up to spend some time with Him. And we all need that because if not our lives would basically STINK and we'd be like little stray dogs looking for food and then the dogs eat something which is really bad like CHOCOLATE and mess up. So yeah. God's food is good food. And we need it. God's food is like the brocolli (or anything thats good for you) of life. Hahaha. Good way to see eat. I think. :)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
more school..

it was a good weekend. friday: went to frontlines. that was good. saturday: hung around the house then went to go see alice in wonderland. which was GREAT. today (Sunday): went to church. that was really good. came home and then ate pizza and watched the little rascals! i'm planning to find that movie before i go to bed tonight. then i went to AWANA. we played soccer, somewhat, then had the usual stuff.
so all in all, it was a good weekend. i dont really mind that its monday tomorrow. i need to get school done. and more school equals closer summer. (facebook status, hahaha.) so the more i get done, the faster i GET DONE with schoool. YES.
SO. i will most definantly be hitting the books this week. let's see how much i get done HAHA.
so ta ta for now. and see you friday, friends. :)
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Become a fan.

okay. i'm a fan about 500 things on facebook. but i've decided to stop. i don't get the point of it!!
you are a fan
okay so now what?
i dont get it, at all. haha. i just had to put it on here. i logged onto facebook and guess what i saw...
_________ became a fan of.
LIKE 50 TIMES! it made me laugh.
just wanted to point that out.
the best day of the week.

saturdays. oh, how i love saturdays. i think saturdays should most definetly always be sunny. but then again, saturdays are also for sleeping and i sleep better when its raining.
i like saturdays. theyre good all around. well, tonight i'm going out to see ALICE IN WONDERLAND. Yes, i'm excited. i've been waiting for this movie to come out. the preview looks AMAZING. so i'm excited about that.
i just wish ale' was going. :( it's not her type of movie. btw ale' smith is my bestfriend. :) Just so ya'll dont get confused or anything.
But anyways.
We're going to go to taco bell first, then the big lots by it (we always get our snacks there, WAYYYY cheaper) then off to the movie.
it should be good. if it's not i will be very dissappointed.
but it should be good. everyone says it is, so yeah.
happy day. only sad thing is it wont be in 3D. oh well. i'm happy i can just see it.
i'll tell you how it goessss...
Friday, March 5, 2010
can't wait.

there are many many things that excite me. there are many things i look forward to. maybe like going on a trip, or hanging out with friends, or having special time with someone in my family.
but there's one thing i ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT FOR.
SUMMER. yes.
"The soundtrack of my summer will be unlike any other."
There's alot of things that will happen this summer. Nothing's guarantedd, but i'm going with that right now. Like..going to camp, going to the BEACH, getting so very tan that you cant really call it tan anymore, going to the pool and putting up with mean lifeguards, hanging around the house watching tv reading texting RELAXING, going to the WaterFestival, TUBING (i plan to go tubing for the first time ever in my life this summer), taking MILLIONS of pictures, and just not worrying about school or stuff that happens during the regular year. SO EXCITED. i'm ready for this summer, for suree. i definantly can't wait. aaahhh, it's gonna be the best.
but then again, it might not be. i hope somehow that i can spend time with my sisters this summer. i hope we can. then my summer would be complete. i plan to do a bunch of school so summer can come faster. everything is just better in the summer. i absolutely ADORE it. it will be the best. atleast that's what i'm planning it to be..
New blog, but not new at this.
I've decided to have a week by week blog, as you can see. I can't get on the computer during the week (WAYYY TOO MUCH SCHOOL) so we'll just have to settle for this.
So... it's March. I can't wait for SUMMER. That will be way to exciting. I don't think i've ever wanted summer this much. But anyways, for 'Spring Break' me and my family will be traveling to 3 different places. Tennessee, Iowa, and Chicago. Good thing i'm used to traveling. I don't mind that much. Gives me time to read, SLEEP, and write. I get headaches sometime though.
I've been writing in my journal alot lately. It's a good thing to, i realized. Even if I don't write, I HAVE TO. Because I'm scared once I stop I won't be writing for a while. And I don't wanna miss out on stuff that i'll definantly forget about. There's just stuff I can't write on here, obviously. Hah. :)
So here's my blog. Enjoy. And don't worry about checking it during the week, thats pointless. :) Hah.
So... it's March. I can't wait for SUMMER. That will be way to exciting. I don't think i've ever wanted summer this much. But anyways, for 'Spring Break' me and my family will be traveling to 3 different places. Tennessee, Iowa, and Chicago. Good thing i'm used to traveling. I don't mind that much. Gives me time to read, SLEEP, and write. I get headaches sometime though.
I've been writing in my journal alot lately. It's a good thing to, i realized. Even if I don't write, I HAVE TO. Because I'm scared once I stop I won't be writing for a while. And I don't wanna miss out on stuff that i'll definantly forget about. There's just stuff I can't write on here, obviously. Hah. :)
So here's my blog. Enjoy. And don't worry about checking it during the week, thats pointless. :) Hah.
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